Continued Restrictions: European Trucks Prohibited from Entry into Russia

Continued RestrictionsEuropean Trucks Prohibited from Entry into Russia: Russia remains steadfast in its ban on European Union, Great Britain, Norway, and Ukrainian trucks from entering its borders. 

Continued Restrictions - European Trucks Prohibited from Entry into Russia
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This restriction, as announced through the official Telegram channel of the Russian government, will persist until the underlying reasons prompting its implementation are resolved.

Exceptions to this prohibition are narrow. Only trucks engaged in transporting postal items, diplomatic mail, or humanitarian aid are permitted entry. 

Additionally, a specialized allowance is extended to trucks providing technical support and ferrying sports cars destined for competition venues.

This ban traces its origin to the EU's decision last year, refusing entry to heavy trucks with Russian and Belarusian license plates. Its continuance is contingent upon the EU's willingness to revise its stance. 

Moreover, the European Commission's recent clarification disallows Russians from entering EU countries in vehicles bearing Russian license plates, further entrenching the standoff.

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