Actress Tatyana Shitova Criticizes Teenagers' Obsession with Phones

Famous actress Tatyana Shitova, who's famous for voicing the AI assistant "Alice," has criticized teenagers for using their phones too much. She thinks they're too focused on their screens and missing out on real life.

Actress Tatyana Shitova Criticizes Teenagers' Obsession with Phones

Shitova's Commentary on Modern Technology

Tatyana Shitova was on the show "Morning with Freckles and Kipyatosha" on Children’s Radio. She talked about how much kids use gadgets these days. She doesn't like how teens are always on their phones and not enjoying real life.

Parental Approach to Technology

When asked about how she handles her daughter's phone use, Shitova said it's hard to find the right balance. Even though she believes in limiting screen time, she doesn't set strict rules for her 15-year-old daughter. She gave her daughter a phone just for talking when she was 10-11, but now she's worried because her daughter is always on it.

The Impact on Hobbies and Activities

Shitova felt sad when she noticed that her daughter had fewer hobbies. She remembered a time when her daughter did lots of things like acting, singing, gymnastics, and skating. However, as her daughter entered her teenage years, Shitova noticed a shift, with the once-vibrant interests giving way to a sense of fatigue.

A Natural Understanding of the Acting Profession

Despite the challenges posed by modern distractions, Shitova took solace in her daughter's natural affinity for the performing arts. Having grown up immersed in the world of theater due to her parents' profession, Shitova's daughter has developed a deep-rooted appreciation for acting, although the extent of her admiration remains unclear.

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Reflecting on Professional Endeavors

During her appearance on Children's Radio, Shitova reminisced about her role as the voice of Cruella, a character that left a lasting impression on her career. This experience paved the way for further opportunities, including the narration of audiobooks centered around the fashion world, featuring iconic brands such as Versace and Gucci. With four episodes already recorded, Shitova continues to explore new avenues within her craft.

Shitova's thoughts remind us how important it is to balance screen time with real-life activities, especially during teenage years. She encourages both parents and teens to think about how much they use technology and to enjoy other things besides screens.

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