Marc Pfeffer Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Marc Pfeffer Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Who is Marc Pfeffer?

Marc Pfeffer lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He's known as Miles Pfeffer's dad. Miles is 18 years old and is suspected of shooting Temple University Police Officer Christopher Fitzgerald in Philadelphia on February 18, 2023. Marc Pfeffer, his wife Jill Petrushka, and their kids live on a farm near Quarry Road in Buckingham, Bucks County.

Parentage of Pfeffer

Miles Pfeffer's parents, Jill Petrushka, and Marc Pfeffer originally come from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. However, the family relocated to Boxley Farm, situated along Quarry Road, in 2019. Speculation arises regarding Jill Petrushka's involvement in aiding her son following the crime, though concrete details are sparse. Both parents hold American nationality and adhere to the Christian faith.

Family Situation and Legal Consequences

Miles Pfeffer, though not the sole child of his parents, remains the center of legal proceedings due to his alleged actions. Charges against him include the shooting of Officer Christopher Fitzgerald, resulting in multiple indictments including criminal homicide. Evidence from surveillance cameras captured the altercation, showcasing Miles firing upon the officer, leading to his subsequent arrest in Bucks County.


Currently, Miles Pfeffer is facing many serious charges. These include things like murder, stealing cars, breaking gun laws, and robbing, among other crimes. The gravity of his crimes underscores the severity of legal repercussions. Law enforcement agencies conducted raids on the Pfeffer property, recovering weapons and monitoring Miles's activities, indicating a history of involvement in local disturbances.

Involvement of Jill Petrushka

Allegations of Jill Petrushka's complicity in aiding Miles's escape from authorities surface prominently. Reports suggest her involvement in transporting him from the crime scene to their residence on Quarry Road. The severity of her potential charges garners public scrutiny, amplifying discussions surrounding her culpability in the unfolding events.

Nationality and Web Presence

Jill Petrushka and Marc Pfeffer hold American citizenship, originating from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Despite their notoriety in the case, information regarding their ethnicity remains undisclosed. Unlike their son, who maintains a private Instagram account under the handle @thepfeffereffect, the parents maintain a low online presence, evading public scrutiny.

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Insights into the Family

  • The involvement of Miles's mother in facilitating his escape from authorities underscores the complexities within the family dynamics.
  • The shooting incident involving Miles Pfeffer and Officer Christopher Fitzgerald transpired during a pursuit initiated by the officer.
  • Marc Pfeffer and Jill Petrushka relocated from Philadelphia to Boxley Farm in 2019, prior to the unfolding events.
  • American nationality serves as a common denominator for the Pfeffer parents, shaping their legal standing amidst the ongoing investigation.

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